Rambunctious Renovations Case – Spirit Box

Members of The Winnipeg Paranormal Group went to a Winnipeg private residence in which the homeowners were in the process of doing renovations in their basement. They reported minor happenings since purchasing their home such as doors opening and the shower curtain being pulled back, but didn’t think much of it. Since doing recent renovations, activity increased. In fact, a skeptical friend swears seeing a child sitting on their bed downstairs and a few minutes later was gone. They also reported the television moving and their dog suddenly barking in the middle of night when he was normally calm and quiet. Although still skeptical, they asked our team to come out for a night and take a look around. We set up night vision camcorders, digital recorders for evps, a laser grid and a spirit box. Towards the end of what seemed like an inactive night, our team members sat down for a spirit box session. The spirit box uses radio frequency to contact spirits. While we don’t solely depend on this tool for answers, it can be both an interesting but controversial tool between members.  Here are some of the answers we heard while asking questions. What do you hear? The question we ask is, “Are you a little boy or a little girl?” https://winnipegparanormal.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Are-you-a-little-boy-or-girl-boy.mp3   “What is your name?” https://winnipegparanormal.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/austin.mp3...

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Winnipeg Paranormal Group in the Aikins Case

Our clients in the Aikins home reported things moving, screaming and other odd noises. Here is an example of an EVP (electronic voice phenomena) one of the team members discovered while playing back the digital recording. A couple of the team members had been talking, stopped and there was a disembodied voice whispering before team member, Adam, said “It’s snowing.” Although, the one thing we can’t agree on is what exactly this voice was whispering? Can you tell? What do you think it’s saying? Research into the background of the home was inconclusive. Remember, the best way to listen to EVPs is with a good pair of headphones. EVP with other voices of team members: https://winnipegparanormal.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/aikinswhole.wav   EVP of disembodied voice isolated: https://winnipegparanormal.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/aikinsisolatedPop.wav...

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Winnipeg Paranormal Group and the Darkman Case

We found a number of anomalies at this home we investigated in the city. In fact, we followed up with a second investigation because of the team member experiences and to gather more evidence. The family at this location reported strange sounds on a daily basis. The main concern was for the safety of their young children. The four-year-old little boy told his mother a dark man lived in his bedroom closet, hence the case name. The residents reported sounds on the main floor as though someone was walking around at night and dark shadows in the halls. We discovered after the investigation that another former tenant who lived there reported similar experiences. A number of us experienced what we could only conclude as being paranormal including the feeling of being touched, a team member reported seeing a child’s hand waving as well as another team member who saw what she could only describe as pure white smoke traveling up to the ceiling before dissipating. Pictures were taken immediately after near the bed where the incidences occurred. When one of the members was looking at the pics on her phone, she stopped on the second picture below and could see that there was a difference in color on the bed as if there were an outline of someone standing on the bed. Without discussing it with anyone else, she passed it around the table and they all immediately pointed it out. We all came to the conclusion that it looked as if it were a girl standing on the bed. After we had come to this conclusion, one of the members who withheld information from the rest of the team for fear of influencing people told the story of a former resident who used to see a girl appearing in different areas of the home.  ...

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Winnipeg Paranormal Group on CJOB’s Road Trip

The Winnipeg Paranormal Group got together with CJOB Road Trip’s Michael Clark to explore haunted vehicles including a 1950s ambulance and a hearse. Did they find anything paranormal? Watch and listen to find out! The radio version of the spooky Road Trip show aired on October 26th. The Road Trip has more than 180,000 subscribers. The Road Trip airs on Shaw TV several times a week....

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Winnipeg Paranormal Group Investigation of Festival du Voyageur

Winnipeg Paranormal Group Investigation of Festival du Voyageur

Winnipeg Paranormal Group went to the Festival du Voyageur on August 11, 2012. Below are some video clips of the investigation. Be sure to follow WPG on TOUT to check out all of their videos and for more investigations in the future.   Click here to view all TOUTs from the Winnipeg Paranormal...

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