The Residential Specialists have arrived

The Winnipeg Paranormal Group (WPG), known for investigating paranormal activity in many famed attractions in Winnipeg and surrounding areas, is officially taking house calls.

The Winnipeg Paranormal Group Residential Specialists – or WPGRS – is made up of five members of the original WPG. However, they will specialize in heading to homes where residents claim to have had unusual activity, possibly of the paranormal variety.

The WPGRS was started due to demand from the public. Several e-mails are received each week to the group asking if their investigators could come out and check their homes. Due to the high demand, WPG recruited new members and have officially launched the Residential Specialists.

The WPGRS, headed by investigators Adam Dreger-Desjarlais and Chris Reid, are officially taking requests for service – all offered for free. Winnipeg Paranormal Group members will also be available at the Central Canada Comic Con this November to take questions and try to debunk any paranormal ideas that visitors may have. Equipment and videos from WPG will also be on display.

The WPGRS is being announced on the heels of wrapping up an investigation at the Festival du Voyageur head office on August 11, 2012.

To have some of the WPGRS members visit your home, please send a detailed e-mail to

The Winnipeg Paranormal Group was founded in 2008. The team has investigated and even debunked areas in Southern Manitoba that have a paranormal legend attached to them. For more information on the Winnipeg Paranormal Group, visit

Author: Kelly Smith

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