Winnipeg Paranormal Group Team
We are a team of volunteers with varying backgrounds who have been led to the paranormal field to help others who may be scared to sleep at night or who are just seeking answers to what is going on in their home. Our first goal is to help our clients feel comfortable with being in their homes. Our second is to answer questions. Can it be explained with a “real world” explanation? Or is there something paranormal happening in the home? Read our Team Bios Some of the core members of the Winnipeg Paranormal Group: (L to R: Kelly B., Ashley, Ed, Scott, Kelly S.) (L to R: Kelly S, Ed, Kelly B., Scott,...
Winnipeg Paranormal Group Leads Investigation at Marlborough Hotel 100th Year Celebration
On November 14, Members of the Winnipeg Paranormal Group led an open investigation at Winnipeg’s Marlborough Hotel for the 100th year anniversary. About 30 attendees were there to experience a real investigation and listen to stories about the Marlborough Hotel which is known to be haunted. Grace Rents, who works in the hotel, spoke about the history of the hotel and the spirits she and other employees of the hotel experience on a daily basis. She talked about sounds such as footsteps and full apparitions of past patrons of the hotel, employees regularly see. One particular ghost who many talk about, and actually inspired a book, is the ghost of Grace Edith Cook, a 16 year old waitress who was strangled to death in her room on the 5th floor in 1943. The most tragic part to this story is that poor Grace was killed by her boyfriend, Albert Victor Westgate, who was actually incarcerated previously for 14 years for killing another former girlfriend in the backseat of his car in Fort Garry. So tragic, this murderer was released only to repeat the same horrible offense again, 6 months after he was released, cutting a young woman’s life way before her time. Employees and patrons of the hotel report seeing Cook’s ghost still roaming the halls. The room is now all boarded up. Cook’s great great niece was actually present for the 100th year event as well. Maureen Flynn author of “Buckle my Shoe” spoke on how she came about writing a murder mystery novel just from visiting The Marlborough Hotel. She was inspired by the story of Grace Edith Cook’s murder and the fact people still claim to see her spirit roaming the hotel hallways. People were then split up into two groups, led by Winnipeg Paranormal Group members, Kelly, Ashley, Ross and Ed, and went on a investigation for three hours in various parts of the hotel. Investigators did evp sessions with attendees with digital recorders and ghost box sessions. They were given access to parts of the hotel where employees have paranormal experiences regularly. Each vigil was an hour in order that every group had a chance to investigate three area’s that they were given permission to investigate. After the three hours people then headed down to The Press Club for a séance to end the night. ...
Winnipeg Paranormal Group’s Gimli Museum Presentation
Have you ever wanted to know what we really do on an investigation? Well, you asked and we answered! The Winnipeg Paranormal Group recently did a presentation at the New Icelandic Heritage Museum in Gimli in October to a full house. The team went thru the basics of an investigation, the tools and sound clips along with a Q & A. Winnipeg Paranormal Group Lead investigators, Ashley and Kelly, along with investigator, Adam and investigator-in-training, Andrew led the discussion with an enthusiastic audience. There were tools of the trade such as a ghost box, K2 meter and an ovilus along with some evps that WPG caught on different investigations for the audience to hear. It’s not exactly like what people see on television but just as exciting! ...
New Images Of Our Team
Images of some of our Winnipeg Paranormal Group team members. Photos by Shelly Whalen.
Rambunctious Renovations Case – Spirit Box
Members of The Winnipeg Paranormal Group went to a Winnipeg private residence in which the homeowners were in the process of doing renovations in their basement. They reported minor happenings since purchasing their home such as doors opening and the shower curtain being pulled back, but didn’t think much of it. Since doing recent renovations, activity increased. In fact, a skeptical friend swears seeing a child sitting on their bed downstairs and a few minutes later was gone. They also reported the television moving and their dog suddenly barking in the middle of night when he was normally calm and quiet. Although still skeptical, they asked our team to come out for a night and take a look around. We set up night vision camcorders, digital recorders for evps, a laser grid and a spirit box. Towards the end of what seemed like an inactive night, our team members sat down for a spirit box session. The spirit box uses radio frequency to contact spirits. While we don’t solely depend on this tool for answers, it can be both an interesting but controversial tool between members. Here are some of the answers we heard while asking questions. What do you hear? The question we ask is, “Are you a little boy or a little girl?” “What is your name?”