Winnipeg Paranormal Group’s Gimli Museum Presentation

Winnipeg Paranormal Group’s Gimli Museum Presentation

Have you ever wanted to know what we really do on an investigation? Well, you asked and we answered! The Winnipeg Paranormal Group recently did a presentation at the New Icelandic Heritage Museum in Gimli in October to a full house. The team went thru the basics of an investigation, the tools and sound clips along with a Q & A. Winnipeg Paranormal Group Lead investigators, Ashley and Kelly, along with investigator, Adam and investigator-in-training, Andrew led the discussion with an enthusiastic audience. There were tools of the trade such as a ghost box, K2 meter and an ovilus along with some evps that WPG caught on different investigations for the audience to hear. It’s not exactly like what people see on television but just as exciting!                      ...

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