Posted By Kelly Smith on Oct 3, 2014 |

Winnipeg Paranormal Group Members, Kelly, Ashley, Carla & Kristie
Images of some of our Winnipeg Paranormal Group team members. Photos by Shelly Whalen.

Winnipeg Paranormal Group

WPG Members Ashley, Kelly, Kristie & Carla

WPG Members Ashley, Kelly, Kristie & Carla
October 28, 2014
Looks like an interesting group. I have seen ghosts many times in my past. One ghost was of a young women with tears in her eyes looking towards the garages / storage shed on the family strawberry farm in St. Francios Xexair. She was always wearing a pioneer dress, she never moved or spoke to me, I saw in the exact same location at least 50 times or more in the 5 years that we lived there. Before she would appear, I would feel this intense cold tingling sensation all through my body. later I learned that if got down on my hands and knees with my head to the ground (childs pose) that after a minute the tingling would go away and as long as I didn’t get up right away, she would not appear and I could leave the area. If I stood up right away; she would appear. It freaked me out. This spot on the ground was just behind the swing set and near the sand box at that time.
Scooby Doo teaches us that people are monsters.